
Three-In-One from 'Miniature Pieces' for Bassoon, Vibraphone and Piano

CompositorShao Suan Low
EditoraShao Suan Low
Gênero Clássico / Música de Câmara
Instrumentação Piano, Fagote, Vibrafone
Composição paraTrio
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa
chave Sol (G) menor
duração 1'8"
dificuldade Advanced
Ano de composição 2009
"Three-In-One", the second movement of my "Miniature Pieces", was written immediately after I completed the "Waltz". Written at about 4am on a Sunday morning on the 12th of April 2009, the idea came to me pretty quickly. This is a little étude, where all three instruments have to play perfectly in unison, sounding like one.

*For individual parts, please contact the composer after purchasing the full score. Thank you.

data de postagem 04 dez 2012

Arquivo de partitura musical incluindo uma licença para um número ilimitado de apresentaçoes, limitado por um ano 8.00 USD
299.8 Kb
(5 p.)


Shao Suan Low
04 abr 2017
Dear Dieter,

Thanks for your message. The bassoonist can omit a note here and there to breathe, but it's best done after each phrase. Depending on the individual, some bassoonists do not omit notes but take super quick breaths whenever necessary so that the flow is not broken. As this piece was written like an étude, the lack of rests for the bassoonist is also part of the difficulty of this piece. :-)
Dieter Angerer
31 mar 2017
I forgot : Where should the bassoon take breath ????
Dieter Angerer
31 mar 2017
I think, it´s a pitty standig up at 4am on sunday to do such music. For the musicians its a lot to do - so they need to get up
early at 4am to practice it........!!
What a fine idea.................

Best regards

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